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To improve Air Traffic Management (ATM), Aeronautical Telecommunications systems for Communication, Navigation, Surveillance (CNS) are currently undergoing a technological evolution

The TELECOM lab aims to develop research activities related to the development and validation of these new technologies in the demanding environment of the ATM system (performance and safety).
The ENAC TELECOM laboratory (TELECOM) was founded in 2012. It supersedes the Research and Expertise Unit for CNS systems that was founded in 1997.

This TELECOM lab is formed of 3 closely linked research groups:

                            -    the research group in Signal Processing and Navigation (SIGNAV)    

                            -    the research group in Electromagnetics and Antennas (EMA)   

                            -    the research group in Data Communications Networks (RESCO)    

Since 1997, through its many research and consultancy engineering activities, the TELECOM Lab. has developped collaborations with industrial partners (CNES, Thales, Airbus, ENAC, PRES, M3 Systems, ABBIA, ...), French and European institutions (DGAC, Eurocontrol, ESA, ...), and other research labs in France (ISAE, ENSEEIHT, UT Troyes, LAAS, UPS, ONERA, ...), in Europe (UPC barcelona, FAF Munich, TU Delft, Politecnico di Torino, ...) and in North America (Stanford University, University of Calgary,...)

Engineering consultancy services concerning the practical implementation of classical and future CNS systems are undertaken by TELECOM members of staff in the Air Navigation Sciences and Engineering (SINA) department.